English as an Additional Language

Glenroy College students come from a rich mix of language backgrounds. The College operates an EAL (English as an Additional Language) Program across Years 7-12 to support those students. EAL support is determined by a variety of factors including student priority needs; teacher availability; and timetable flexibility.

The college offers three types of EAL curriculum delivery to our EAL students.

  1. Classroom Support
    EAL teacher accompanies student into the lesson and assists the student by modifying the lesson in progress, or working closely with the classroom teacher to modify the work. At times the EAL teacher team teaches with the classroom teacher to assist the EAL student(s).
  2. Withdrawal
    EAL teacher chooses to take the student(s) out of the mainstream class and provide tuition. (Either alternative or modified classroom work).
  3. EAL Timetabled Classes
    EAL teacher delivers curriculum/ support to a class of EAL students which is timetabled and runs concurrently with other subjects. At present this type of EAL class is offered in the Humanities and English Domain.

The EAL Program is reviewed yearly and therefore is subject to change. The number of students who qualify for EAL determines funding, staffing and ultimately program delivery. If you have any queries about the EAL program, please call the school and ask for the EAL Domain Leader.