Work With Us

Jobs at Glenroy College

Employment opportunities at Glenroy College for teachers and education support staff are advertised on the State Government’s Recruitment Online website.


Business partnerships

Glenroy College strives to build strong connections with our vibrant and diverse local community. The College welcomes connections and partnerships with local businesses and community-based groups. We have enjoyed a long and productive partnership with the Lions Club of Glenroy, which offers scholarship opportunities for our students.. Please get in touch if you would also like to support our school.


Connect with our students

We are always looking for opportunities for students to experience the real world of work. If you can offer students work experience and placements, or a tour of your workplace, then we’d love to hear from you.

The College also works with volunteers from Ed Connect Australia to mentor and tutor our students and to help in our community garden. Visit Ed Connect Australia to find out more about volunteering at our school.


College Council

The College Council meets each month and plays an important role in supporting the decision-making needs and future of our school. Community members and parents of College students are always welcome to get involved.