Glenroy College
Welcome to Glenroy College, a co-educational government school for Years 7 to 12 in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. Our students come from many different backgrounds and we value the diversity in our College community. We believe all our students can achieve to high standards and we celebrate their achievements and successes with pride.
Bell Times
Our school day starts with a locker bell at 8.50am to remind students to gather their books and head to class. The day is split into five hour-long periods, with two breaks for students to unwind, eat and mingle with friends.
Period 1: 8.55am – 9.55am
Period 2: 9.58am -10.58am
Recess: 10.58am – 11.13am
Period 3: 11.18am -12.18pm
Lunch: 12.18pm – 12.57pm
Period 4: 1.02pm – 2.02pm
Period 5: 2.05pm – 3.05pm
School day ends: 3.05pm
Back on Track and Homework Club operate after school from 3.10pm
Term dates
Term 1: 30 January – 6 April
Term 2: 26 April – 24 June
Term 3: 10 July – 15 September
Term 4: 2 October – 20 December
Term 1: 30 January – 28 March
Term 2: 15 April – 28 June
Term 3: 15 July – 20 September
Term 4: 7 October – 20 December
Latest News
Freddo Fridays make learning sweet for switched on students at Glenroy College
Hundreds of chocolate frogs are hitting the learning sweet spot for students at Glenroy College this term. Principal Andrew Arney has introduced 'Freddo Fridays' to encourage and reward students who come to class prepared to learn. Chocolate frogs for the learning win...
Come celebrate our Junior School superstars and meet our new College captains
Glenroy College held a special assembly earlier this term to recognise and celebrate our hardest working junior students and to introduce our 2023 College captains. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 gathered in the Performing Arts Centre to meet our school leaders and to...
This Glenroy College graduate who fled war in Syria is studying biomedical science and we’re so proud
Syrian refugee Amal Alnakoula is a true Glenroy College success story. The once-shy teen, who didn't know a single word of English when she lined up for her first day of secondary school back in 2017, is now studying biomedical science. But that's not all for this...